
Sunday, December 15, 2013

WIP Off the Desk: Saxons, Barbarians, Chaos, Dwarves?, Vikings, Oh My

 Finally cleared these two hordes of figures off of my desk.  Got around to basing all of them, ready for primer after clear the other table of painted minis.  And THERE ARE STILL MINIATURES ON MY TABLE!!
I think its around 75 Saxons and Vikings, along with the other stuff, and my two very large movement trays for chaos stuff.


  1. Good luck with all that! That is a scary amount of painting.

  2. You should see what I already have in primer, probably around 75-100 Romans, FoW, Vikings, and Crusaders and 8 tanks. LOL.

    I have about 20 more Vikings and Romans that I'm painting up currently.

  3. Ahh I see they have recruted some fairytail creatures to their ranks... Nice addition.
