
Monday, April 4, 2011

Back From Adepticon...

Back from Adepticon. It was a very enjoyable weekend. The event got even bigger, and appeared in my opinion very well attended, especially in 40k and Warhammer Fantasy. Got a good sizeable bag of cool product for registering and showing up. And I also got to meet a number of new people, like the owner of Battle Road Games who played some fantastic looking Samurai in the WAB Tourney, and Xenite over at Little Green Monsters got to see his Chaos Warriors in person, and a couple people that frequent the WAB Forum, and some new WAB players for me one from Wisconsin that had a spectacular looking army (I'm pretty sure you will see pictures of it from Dave Taylor and possibly the War Games Illustrated crew. Also got to meet up with a bunch of the Wisconsin and Minnesota guys that I have not seen in awhile. Bennet Blaylock Doan again blew me away with a wild looking Hun Army. The Crystal Brush painting cost had some spectacular miniatures, I unfortunately did not finish any of my entries (They would not have won).

Played Warhammer Ancients Singles and Warhammer Ancients Team Tourney. My Singles play was with the Romans, went 2 Wins and a draw. Which is pretty good for me. Ended up taking a surprising Best Sportmanship Award along with some cool swag that went with the prize. My buddy Mike Butcher took home Best General.

Warhammer Ancients team event, paired up Mike Butcher's Saxons with my Knights from the El Cid list. We did well getting 2 wins and draw. And we ended up taking home a surprising Best Sportmanship Award in that event also with again very cool prizes. This considering our team name is Grumpy Old Coots for obvious reasons.

All in all a fun weekend, very tired, may take a few days to get back in the flow of things.

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