
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Adepticon...I'll be there

Looking forward to this weekend at Adepticon in Chicago. Should be a good time. I will be playing Warhammer Ancients Singles tourney and will team up Sunday in Warhammer Ancient Team tourney with fellow mad-man, Mike Butcher, our team name is "The Grumpy Old Coots". If you are there, feel free to look me up and say hi.
I'll be playing with my Roman army in the singles event and my Perry knights in the team event. Yes the knights are painted, putting the final touches on them tonight.

I also see that many of the Wisconsin Warhammer gamers will be there including the Three Stooges from the Point Hammered podcast team.

Hopefully, I'll remember to snap some photos and share those with you, as this is the biggest wargaming event here in the Midwest United States and probably the country.

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