
Saturday, February 5, 2022

My Painted Maximus....

Ahhhh you probably guessed this one was coming as the general.

While a cool model, its also another of the major disappointments with Warlord Games and their scale issues.  I'm actually kind of glad that I am basically done with them.
This miniature really does not fit scale wise with anything in their line.
That said I think it turned out well.  The back of the model is really flat out boring.
I tried to give the back a bit more 2D dynamic with the colors on the cape.

Again not a great model, but definitely has some character....
That's it for a little bit of the completed models.  But don't be sad, I have more on the desk....


  1. Great project, it would be nice to see pictures of the whole legion deployed for battle.
    I’m looking forward to seeing more painted models.

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