
Saturday, March 21, 2020

Painted Barbarian Axemen!!

 Here are a couple more of the Reaper Miniatures barbarians that I have painted up.  Both are axe men.  This one I actually converted the axe as I did not like the original weapon.
 Definitely a fun miniature to paint, lots of cool packs and armor.  Its a Tre Manor sculpt.  I do like his work.

 This next one is a bit bigger in stature than the other.  He does have a wicked axe.  The face is a bit wonky.
 He is similar in look.  On the furs I went with just some simple grays at first, then was like I need to have a wash of browns to break that up.
 The leathers on both, I am just using the simple Reaper Master Series Oiled Leather Triad.
More to follow....


  1. Wow! Very cool axemen. I like the face of the second guy - lots of character!

    1. Thank Dean. I really wished Warhammer hadn't taken a turn down the tubes, these would have been part of truly epic army. But that won't happen now.
