
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Painted Viking Bondi Unit

 Back in my WAB playing days, I ran a Viking army that was all Hirdmen with archers.  I really needed a unit or 4 of these Bondi.
 So here they finally are.   I finally got around to finishing them up.

I think they turned out well.  Mostly Gripping Beast plastics with a metal model or two and a Foundry model, Mr. Striped Pants below.

 Oh yea the armored guy does not belong.  He's a coward.
And above is the backside of the models. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Another handsome unit, PC! Bummer about the spammer too!

    1. Thanks Dean. Its a fun unit that I plan to grow and fill out a bit more once the Victrix plastics come out. I've been getting hit a bit with spam lately for whatever reason. Taken care of though, I have an eye out for them.
