
Saturday, December 15, 2018

Painted Blood Rage Viking

 For being a relatively cheap plastic game piece, I'm rather surprised how well it paints up.
 Yea this mini once had a massive spear, but that was so badly warped and I could not get it to straighten out.  So plastic is your friend and convert it right.....not so fast.
 My normal plastic glue would not weld this, obviously a different type of plastic.
So pin and superglue the axe head.
 I think its a cool mini and plan on painting the other versions of it in different paint schemes.
As always more to follow.


  1. Great looking figures, PC! Your talented brushwork and creativity brings out the best in any model. Love the ravens on either shoulder too.

    1. Thanks Dean. Its a fun miniature to paint. I have some other versions of it in mind as well.
