
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Warlord Games spotted My Romans

And also asked if I would write a short article to post on their web page.  Follow the link to their Web Site if you care to read that, they have a lot of good articles:

I greatly appreciate them giving me a small opportunity to help bring further awareness to a condition that has affected me over the past year and a half and will likely continue giving me issues the rest of my life, as well as show off my latest Early Imperial Roman unit. The condition is known as Acoustic Neuroma aka Vestibular Schwannoma, it will and has forever changed me. One out of 400 cases is Cancer, thankfully mine was benign.

Link to Mayo Clinic on Acoustic Neurmoa:  Mayo Clininc

Link to the Warlord Games Article:  Warlord Games Showcase: Imperial Romes Finest

More of these guys to come.


  1. Wow, PC, sorry to hear of the health issues, sounds like it is under control, I hope. Congrats on the well-deserved recognition too!

    1. This is the health issue that has been plaguing me. So far its under control and no regrowth. I will be going back in for another MRI in 3-4 months to monitor whats left of the tumor, see if there is any regrowth.

  2. Your work is incredible and well deserving of its' own article, congratulations.
    I'm in and out of the Dr constantly but hearing of your horrendous ordeal has put things in perspective. I hope everything proves to be in remission with no further complications for you. Blessings.

    1. Thanks. Its a scary deal, as I'm relatively healthy otherwise, but leading up to everyone was thinking this was just another sinus infection that I generally had every year. The sinus part went away, but the facial numbness would not, it felt like an infection but was persistent and would not go away and felt maybe a tooth was infected. So went to my dentist, he did see anything from a visual inspection, then he did some x-rays and we saw the mass in the background. His hygienist did a cleaning of my teeth, we got done, and she sat back and said you need go to your doctor today, because the left side of your face acts just like some of her patients that suffer from Bell-palsy or stroke. That leads to laying in lots of tubes getting scans. Its a scary time to go through...the various surgeries to address it are pretty scary as well, with the hopes that it is benign.
