
Saturday, November 28, 2015

I'm Back!!!

Wow....its been awhile now hasn't it?  Well I'm still in recovery mode, but getting much better.  I even got out quite a bit on the race track, won some races, ran pretty fast.  Still adjusting to the balance issues and hearing loss. My taste buds are dull, but getting better.  Facial nerves appear to be healing.  I definitely do not recommend brain surgery for anyone, but if you have to have it done, well then Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN is the place to go.   And, quite frankly the changes that Games Workshop made to Fantasy didn't help my motivation to get back to Warhammer.  I absolutely have no interest whatsoever in Age of Sigmar.  There is nothing anyone can say or do that will change my mind on that.  With that note, I've trashed just about all of my Warhammer plans.  I'll be switching gears back to Vikings and probably some 40k models.  For the most part its back to modeling and painting, probably no gaming.  With the loss of hearing in one ear it really makes it difficult for me to hear in loud convention halls.  I do have a new Iwata Airbrush that needs to get broken in.

And with the blog, I will also be dragging along that Facebook page that I created for the workshop.  It will eventually get some of its own content also.  If you have not been there, check it out:


  1. Congrats on the recovery. Oh, and you're not the only one whose WFB plans were dashed with the arrival of AoS. I am right with you in fact...sad.

    1. Thank you. I'm not completely out of the woods yet, but things look pretty positive.

  2. Good to know you are getting recovered!

    I understand your feelings with AoS. You can always stay in 8th edition or give a try to Kings of War, if you want something "new but similar".

    Anyway, glad you're back!

  3. Welcome back, good to hear of your recovery. And best wishes for further progress. On the hobby front, join the crowds - there's not much love for AOS, and rightly so to my mind. Vikings are better anyway. Check out Fantastic Saga, there's a link on my blog - free download, you just need a copy of Saga to play, and it's rather good. There's also Dragon Rampant to look forward to, so if you like skirmish games then it's all good.

    1. Thanks. I'm always finding an ever changing new normal. Definitely going to be looking into Dragon and Lion Rampant.

  4. Welcome back! Hope the recovery continues to go well and that you get new victories every day.

    1. Thanks. I hope the damaged facial nerves heal, prognosis looks good, just takes time. I have new found compassion for those that suffer from Bell Palsy or stroke.

  5. Welcome back! Wish you a soonest recovery!
    Looking at your black orcs I guess everything in not so bad with WHFB ;)

    1. Thanks, much appreciated. I'm pretty much done with WHFB. There are some things that I want to build and paint, but what I own right now is it. I have alot of Chaos minis that I still want to paint.
