
Saturday, April 25, 2015

4th Complete Viking unit in Paint....

 This is my fourth unit of Hersir's all painted up.   Quite a few subtle conversions in this one also.
Both models on the ends are converted to be crouching.  The one with the shield overhead converted from a War Factory Games model.
There are also a few converted heads on some of the models.  And again I added some eyecandy to the movement tray.
The shields are mix of my paint and Little Big Men transfers.
Flag is a conversion that I did with hand painted details.

The basing is much the same, and I'm really digging the flowers and tall grass mixed in.  I will be definitely doing more elaborate basing for things in the future.  And its also held up quite well.

The dead Saxon is actually a Warlord Games barbarian casualty figure.  Then I decided I needed a Viking downed in the ranks for more story.
Below is a closeup of the downed viking and the front rank.
As always.....there is always more.....that is not not done yet.  I have more Vikings, especially bondi to do, both of the Gripping Beast plastic types and also some Foundry ones.


  1. Fantastic work as always, PC. The lead edge of the base is a work of art in itself.

  2. Excellent job on these guys, very inspirational.

  3. An outstanding visual, time for me to take a break from Fireforge and add more vikings with this latest effort of yours.
