
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Health Problems

I apologize to my blog readers for the inactivity lately. I had planned to be much more active after the kart racing season had ended and after I had completed those Romans. Since the season ended and while I was working on those Romans, I started having some health issues that took time to be diagnosed. Last month about this time the issues were finally diagnosed, a rare condition, that has jacked my stress level up to an all time high and certainly has taken the fun out of things. I'm scheduled for a very serious surgery next month to address the issue, which has me worried, carries some serious risks but at a low percentage, and will definitely effect me the rest of my life. Its taken me a bit to come to grips with things and as with thing you worry about the unknown. What recovery there is for the less permanent damage typically seems to range from 6 weeks to 6 months. I do hope to use the hobby we all love, in an attempt to bring me back to some form of normalcy and as part of the healing process.  I'm setting goals....

To take my mind of real life, I also hope to finally bring out pictures of all of my current Vikings, that were completed about two years ago over the next few weeks prior to the surgery. I have shown some models from the units, but really have not shown the army and units as a whole.



  1. This is not great news. Good luck with the surgery and I hope your recovery goes well.

  2. Knight of Infinite ResignationJanuary 14, 2015 at 6:11 PM

    really sorry to hear this, I hope it all goes as well as it can and that things start to look up.

  3. Suck. Best of luck with surgery and recovery. Hope to see you painting and karting soon.

  4. Not great news. Best wishes and I really hope recovery is unproblematic for you!

  5. Thanks once again for the thoughts. Every day is like a kick in the head right now leading up to something even more scary. I don't do all that well when I'm not in control of things normally. But I have to stay optimistic.

  6. Hope your surgery goes well. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  7. umpf. that's not the way you want to start a new year :-( best luck to you!!! keep the head up! and i am sure the hobby will help you!!! :-) best greetings from austria!

  8. My sincere best wishes to you in a very difficult time.

  9. Best wishes for the future, hope everything goes well.

  10. Best of luck and I can't wait to see your progress over the coming months

  11. Best hopes for a speedy recovery and a solution to your condition!

  12. Sorry to hear this, Shawn. I hope the surgery goes smoothly and that your recovery is timely.

  13. I wish you the fastest recovery possible. Looking forward to see you kick the health problems away from you and get back to inspiring us with your minis.
    Best of Luck Mate.

  14. Shawn, thanks for the update - and sorry to hear your current health woes. I pray you'll be healed in good order very soon. Don't sweat the blog - life's issues get in the way of our hobby all too often enough. God Bless and God Speed. Dean

  15. Thanks again for the thoughts, the well wishes, the prayers....all of it means a lot to me.

  16. I hope you are healing well. I pray your recovery is swift.
