
Monday, September 30, 2013

GW Dark Elves....yeesshh

I been sort out of the loop with all of the kart racing that I have been doing, and with the local shop having suddenly closed its doors due to the death of the long time Owner.  As a result, the whole Dark Elves thing has sort of snuck up on me.  I had been hearing a number of rumors about this new monster and that new monster and such.  Now I'm someone that likes mythological creatures, so I was interested in seeing what GW would come up with.  Anyone that knows me, knows my hatred of elves, good and bad.  I do hate the pointy eared little bastards. Not a fan of anything elf like.  That said I was still looking forward to seeing the new hydra and the Medusa and the rumored Kraken.  So today I saw on the miniature review sites that they had them up on the advanced order.  I went to GW's site to look at them.  My first impressions I really kind of like the Medusa, can't say the new Cauldron of Blood does anything for me at all.  Holy smokes $75 for the kit.  Really??  Then I saw the Hydra and whatever the hell they are calling the other beast. Yea......NO.  That appears to be a miss in my book and big miss at that. 

And then there are all of those pointy eared little bastards.  Dreadspears / Darkshards / Bleakswords, can we stop already with the stupid spin on words, why not just call them evil pointy eared little bastards with sharp sticks.  Bleakspears/Dreadshards/Woeswords....whatever....I thought the previous models were ugly, but these, man could they make the hands any bigger?  I mean really those hands are so tiny....make them even bigger.   Can the Angstspear's spearhead be any larger, like telephone pole sized?  Then look at the trigger finger on that Murkyshard bowman, that sure is one long freakin' joint to the knuckle, at least curl the damn finger.  Maybe that is some sort of Doomelf trait that I do not know about.  Then I see the Drearyswords and their blades.  Man those blades look like something a Chaos Warrior could not even wield, let alone a spindly armed Gloomy Elf. Ah well, I hate elves, so next....

Onto....Which know those dynamically posed elves with bras.  For some reason they kind of remind me of something Art Adams would draw.  All of these bombastic females.  Very dynamic, yet kind of goofy at the same time.  Now again I really don't follow the fluff of these pointy eared little Dismal Elves, but as I read the description of them it says "...and The Hag, who leads the regiment, can be denoted by using the version with 4 spikes (rather than the standard 3)."  Wow!  What a great way to distinguish the Hag, give her an extra spike, why not just a third nipple.  Now that is just special.

So anyway.....why all this talk about Dreary Elves, well I've been looking for mythological creatures for my project that is underway....I think the Medusa fits the bill.  The hydra is a big no, so I'll have to find a hydra elsewhere.  More on this project for multiple game systems to follow.


  1. Check out this hydra!

    1. Yep that is one of them that I have in mind. I like a lot of what Mierce has and own a few of the Banelords and Banelegion minis.

    2. Holy crap are those nice! Missed that on Kickstarter. I did get some of the CMON Wrath of Kings figs...

  2. I agree with everything you said...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Kinda have to agree with much of what you've written, and I actually *like* the DE! Problem is that, until I see what Raging Heroes have planned for their next KS, this release represents the best line troops that fit the style of the other stuff I already have! =0(

      One thing I might mention though: please do some research before you give any money to Mierce Miniatures! Rob Lane set them up with money that he effectively siphoned out of Maelstrom Games. This was done legally, and then he torpedoed the now debt-ridden MG, owing a huge amount of money to his suppliers, and to his customers (I got burned to the tune of $250!). He's always keen and quick to point out that it was legal and above-board, but it doesn't change the nasty way he treated a lot of people (and the fact that his credit is so bad that he can't offer PayPal anymore). Ultimately, whether others support him buy buying MM products or not, is up to them; but I see a lot of "support your LFGS" posts on blogs and forums, so I feel that people who understand that would probably appreciate a heads-up on things like this! ;0)

      (Edited for spelling...)

    2. Nope, understandable Gilbear. I think we here in the states probably did not pay as much attention to Maelstrom demise. I know I did not, but have heard this from a few people.

      I'm actually spying the Crocodile Games Hydra and harpies more so than some of the others. I'm kind of at a loss as to what to do just now with this project, having built a bunch of things, but not having quite a few things to finish it up. So with that I plan to jump back to some other stuff that I have ready for paint and paint for awhile.
