
Monday, April 8, 2013

Enter the 40k Inquisition: Inquisitor Alpha

Showing that space wolf recently, I ran across a picture of this inquisitor that I built a few years ago.  Not one of my better builds and the base is rather boring.

For the most part this model was left over from the building of my Cerulean Templars, basically it did not make the cut.  There are elements of it that I like, for instance the book and the draping on the shoulder pad.
 I believe I later dumped it on Ebay.  At the time, I was building a bunch of pieces that were just cluttering up my desk and putting them on Ebay, if I remember correctly this piece went to a buyer in Alaska who was at the time winning alot of my auctions.


  1. Nice conversions as always, PC. Interestingly enough I watch a 40K tournament this weekend - as well as Pat L. (Socal Warhammer) playing in a WFB tournament. Both at a convention up in British Columbia. I actually ended up buying a couple of boxes of GW Empire infantry at the Bring & Buy! Best, Dean

    1. At one time WAB and Fantasy were very much alike. With 8th edition Fantasy that ended. WAB 2.0 is what 8th Edition Fantasy should have been in my opinion. I'm not a very big fan of 8th, I'll play it, but I miss 6th and 7th edition.

      I love the 40k models, but I have not played that game since 3rd edition.

  2. Great work as always. So jealous of your green stuff sculpting skills!

    1. Thanks Judge, much appreciated. Lots of practice.
