
Monday, March 4, 2013


I'm putting some finishing touches on the now 76 Vikings tonight.  Well most of them.  I still have all of the banners to paint.  But I'm mostly painting eyeballs.  You know when you start painting eyeballs you are just about done.  I'll soon be moving onto the movement trays and the display base.

As I was painting last night I watched the History Channel's Vikings.  I expected it to be quite horrible, like a lot of the other crap that they have on that channel.  To my surprise, I actually liked the first episode.  Visually its pretty stunning, great scenery backgrounds.  The opening sequence was pretty cool, the intro with the bodies sinking below the longships with the Fever Ray music is freaky.  I don't really know any of the actors, with the exception of Gustaf Skarsgard, from Arn: The Knight Templar (a visually attractive movie, even though its creator is a complete twit), but I felt most of them were pretty good.  I'll definitely tune into more episodes. 

It all kind of fits together as I'm reading Bernard Cornwell's Death of Kings, which is a pretty quick read, but the is the next book in the Saxon Tales, that I was behind on.  I'm enjoying the tale of Uhtred.  I'm finding myself drawn more and more to this whole period, something that I did not think would really happen with this Viking project, but for which much of the credit is due to Cornwell's Saxon Tales series.

So no pics right now.  You'll have to wait for a bit to see more of the Vikings.  Supposedly a lot of snow is coming tonight and tomorrow, we'll see, I think its mostly fear mongering thus far.  The Vikings will soon be cleaned off of my desk tonight, with the exception of those pesky banners, and they will wait for the next semi-warm day that will allow me to shoot some clear on them in my garage.

This past weekend I worked on my old truck with my dad.  Its getting closer to being finished.  Sorting out all of the wiring, its not good when you you have one left turn signal flashing and in the rear you have the right turn signal flashing.  That could be kind of confusing.  So, there are few things that need corrected.  But it does turn over, now I just need a fuel pump and fuel line connection and the old nuclear banana will be running.  And we are waiting for the new LTO kart frames to get powder coated, so soon it will be assembly time on the karts.  The next dilemma is that Adepticon and the first night of practice for this race season coincide.  That's going to put me behind some on the race track.  My dad will shakedown my new kart and get the set-up close, it will be in good hands.  That's over a month away.

Wednesday is the first Wednesday of the month of March so that means it will be Old Stuff tune in for that.

Thursday night, I will be going to the official local oval track meeting.  It ought to be interesting to see what kind of reception I get as the reigning champ.  I'm mostly going to observe, but as you all know, I'm never short on opinions whether you like it or not.

Back on Wednesday with the Old Stuff.


  1. Looking forward to the seeing the truck in the Road, it was awesome in the WIP stage I saw it in.

  2. So am I after 16 years, course there were a quite a few years where it just sat there while I was sorting out some other things in my life, but its been way too long.

    Anytime its way too long you start wanting to redo things, now its at a point where I see the end and I just want it done. Its going to be a real thrill to drive this 62 year old truck out of the garage. When its done we'll have a space and I'm sure that space will get filled with other projects.
