
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Calling for Recommendations on Cameras! Anyone??

Well, I knew this time would come eventually, but I think my Nikon is dying and the On/Off switch is definitely on the fritz.  This is the camera that I have used for years, a Coolpix 4300, 4.0 Megapixel, from about the year 2000 or so.  Yea that's right, all my pics have been basically shot with an ancient digital camera with low megapixels.  What was nice about this camera was its macro function and its ability to take really close pictures of miniatures.

And my 8 megapixel Cannon PowerShot that I use mainly for work and regular stills, was a cheap buy, and completely sucks at shooting miniatures and anything small and anything red.

I know about go-karts, but I really don't know much about cameras. 

So, the question, anyone have recommendations for a new camera that is suited for shooting good close-up pics of miniatures????  What do you use???  What should I be looking for?


  1. I love the Canon Ixus series. It's compact enough that I can put it into my pocket at tournaments or hook it around my neck with a lanyard. It has macro and does well around low light situations.

  2. Thank you guys. And Felix your site was very helpful.

  3. I have been using a similar terrible camera. So far so good, fingers crossed!
