
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

WIP On the Desk: Viking Unit #2

Well after a marathon painting session while watching bowl games and Badger loss, I'm nearly complete with this unit's paintwork.  This unit did not go as fast as the previous for some reason.  Not sure why.  I did paint up both movement trays for Unit #1 and #2.

I am happy with how they have turned out thus far.  I still have eyeballs and eye brows to paint on a few of them.
I think the trays are doing a good job conveying a story with the added eyecandy.  And I still have all of the banners to do yet.  I'll wait to do all of them at one time.
I'm missing one model in this group as I found a problem with it while painting and had to send it back to the greenstuff table for additional work.  The blood is using Tamiya Smoke and Clear Red, makes for a very viscous bloody look.

I also saw while working on this before football that the History Channel is going to do a series on the Vikings.  Look forward to seeing that, think they said it was following Lothbrokson, not sure about that.  One of the actors is the guy that played Arn in the Last Templar.


  1. These look great!!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I am painting some Vikings at the moment so it has been great to follow the progress on yours. These are looking great.

  3. Looks great, I need to get back to working on my WGF Vikings

  4. Great looking warband, PC. Looking forward to more great painting from you in 2013. Best, Dean

  5. Wow, this unit looks promising. Well it did from day one but with all the colors it looks even better.

  6. Thanks guys, appreciate the comments and kind words. These have been alot of fun thus far. They obviously need to get based, and I have two more large units, more characters and a bunch of skirmishers to do yet.

  7. I guess I could have come up something more clever, but that was my first reaction. I really like the way you are creating an overall image for the units snd army.
