
Friday, January 25, 2013

Plugging Some Fellow Bloggers

I haven't plugged anyone else's blog in awhile.  I'm sometimes very slow to do this, slow to join others blogs, I lurk about alot on blogs and forums.  A long time back when I was first getting started with this blog the Sons of Taurus blog plugged my blog and gained me much attention.  And I thank him for doing that.  So, that said I have a couple blogs that I would like to direct your attention to, because if you like the variety of things that I do or just similar things I think these two blogs will help you out and I again encourage you to join them.

The first is terrain blog.  Baddogz Engineering   This the blog is the brain child of Mark Sommer [founder and terrain master] and Mike Butcher [Blogger, mastermind, maniac modeler, and fellow Grumpy Old Coot].  I was first introduced to Mark's terrain work last year at Adepticon's WAB big game and I can tell you his terrain was awesome.  Mike needs no introduction, he and I have been friends for quite sometime, his work is inspirational and you can find a link the Butcher's Bill blog in my Blog Lists.  Mike and Mark are teaming up for this years WAB big game and you will be able to see some (if not all) of the terrain that is being built for the big game that I plan to attend with my Vikings.  I very much look forward to playing on this terrain.  So please check it out and join his blog.

The second is blog that I was lurking, failed to join and plug in my list for sometime.  The blog is
Kampgruppe Engel .  Now if you like what I do and like my variety, I think you will like the work that Engel does as he has his own style and bounces around history and scifi kind of like I do.  I don't think he races go-karts though, he really needs to take up that hobby.  I particular like his Vikings and Kushites (not a project that I would undertake, but I can appreciate it).  So please check out his work and his blog, I don't think you will be disappointed.

So what are you waiting for, go to their blogs...... ;)