
Sunday, January 20, 2013

More, More, More Vikings....

Some choice pics from first rank and file unit that I'm finishing up. I'm mostly using the Gripping Beast Plastic models for the Hirdmen. They paint up very nicely, good looking minis, really easy to paint. I'm quite impressed with their detail. The above mini is actually a converted one using a head from GW's Empire Flaggelants.
This is one of my favorites from the unit. Pretty cool mini. I think the ones without the helmets have so much character. This head is from the command sprue. It has a really cool scar. Below you can see his shield slung on his back that I painted.
This one above is a fun model. I finally figured out what to do with all of those damn Warlord Games plastic barbarian models. They have become Vikings. They unlike Warlords early Imperial Romans don't have as much of that midget feeling, and some of them actually work quite well. Many of the poses, are quite dynamic, maybe too much so. The above model uses a Gripping Beast axe, sword, shield and head. As you can see it works pretty well. The WG Barbarians are not quite as badly scaled as their EIR models.
Below are two of my front rank Dane axe wielders. They are cool mdels also. They are both converted, one using the GW Empire Flaggelant head (on the right) with the GBP two-handed axe arms, the other using a metal GB head (on the left) and axe arms from the Wargames Factory Viking kit.
Below another pic of the models.
I'm beginning to like the base work a bit more all of the time. At first I was not sure about it, but I believe its going to be pretty nice once altogether.

Until next time......


  1. Marvelous work on these plastics. I agree the bare-headed ones show so much expression, not to mention the well-detailed hair. The basing is very good too. Best, Dean

    1. The basing is definitely something new for me, but I a need to do something different than what I have been doing.

  2. I like the plastic models from Gripping Beast. I picked mine up many years ago and I am stuck with slightly uninspired metals. They lack a lot of definition and detail that the plastics have.
    Your shields look great, the battle damage is excellently done. How do you get the dusty dirty look to them? I also think the black lining works well in separating the colours. Something I should have done!

    1. The battle damage is something that I'm mimicing from some of the Little Big Transfers and is similar to what I have seen Bennett Blalock-Doan do also.

      The dirty looks better in regular light and not ultra-magnified. The dirty look is just a very light dry brush of a tan color, one of the colors that I'm using as I drybrush the based ballast.

    2. Hmmm dare I do that to my shields?

  3. These look great. I have been looking around for vikings/danes, not overly impressed with many of the metals available. The plastics are pretty good like you said, but seemed to lack a little character. Your little conversions are just what's needed. Well done, thanks for the inspiration.

    1. Well we all might be in luck, as MartinG writer of WAB and also does some Clash of Empires, posted on my Vikings on one of the forums that Gripping Beast is planning the release of plastic Bondi.

  4. Hey thanks for the compliments guys, they are very much appreciated.

  5. Wow, Shawn, wow. I like forward to seeing these at Adepticon.
