
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Saga continues... A couple conversions.

Still looking at ideas for standard bearers and I came up with an idea using the one on the left, please ignore the crooked pole, this is just a mock up using a space marine back banner.  I think it has promise, just not completely convinced at the moment.  The model next to it is a conversion using the GB's plastic torso, a left over head, two-handed arms from War Games Factory plastics and greenstuff.
And here he is from the front.  The GB kit only has one set of arms for the two handed axe, so I thought this worked well to give me even more variety.  The sculpted mail is very much needed as the WGF mail is terrible looking and very shallow in detail.
So I like the looks of this figure.  I also started basing one of the units, will get to spraying primer tomorrow night and then try to finish up some more of the modeling before I begin the paint work.  Also started painting a test model, that is coming along, will have some WIP shots soon.

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