
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Next in the Madhouse Viking Saga...

Well this is the third unit of my Vikings.  Everything complete except for the bannerman, which at the moment the spearman is just a place holder.  Like the other units there is a varitey of conversions and more than just Gripping Beast pieces involved. 
 Like the previous units spears in the second rank, a variety of handweapons in the front and back.  One berserker located next to the character.
A lot of  missing shields, but again I will be painting and transfering a bunch of those and attaching them later.
With extra frontage on the movement trays there will be more eye candy.  Basing will probably be a spring / summer blend with rock out croppings. Most of my armies the last couple of years have had a real dead grass / fall look, so this will get something different.

I have another unit chock full of converting and then a bunch of left overs.  I'll also be building a unit of Saxon Thegns for allies.   I still have all of the banner men to build yet, have not decided on how I will do those just yet.

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