
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I'm not slacking & a Crossover with Lost In the Warp

Just so you know, I'm not slacking, just in the middle of building a ton of stuff at the moment as I expand my WAB horizons into a Shield Wall or four.  Below is what is currently on my drawing table, not my Warhammer table which has overflowed. 
And those are just the miniatures that I'm green stuffing, I have whole bin full of assembled Vikings, and getting some movement trays ready...more to follow.

And while on the subject of green stuffing, my friend James aka tkkultist from Lost In the Warp, and myself have agreed to do a blog crossover of sorts.  For those that don't know, James was part of the infamous Team North America:  Primarchs Project and is a multi-time GW Demon award winner. 

James and I share a mutual like of Beastmen, and I can say that I have been a fan of his work for many years.  The crossover will be that I will build a Khorne inspired beastman Gor for James's Beastmen Army, and he will build an anything goes Mutant Marauder for my Warriors of Chaos Army.  Then we will ship them off, and get to paint some cool stuff.  I look forward to doing this, I enjoy building beastmen, and I also look forward to seeing what James creates for me to paint.  So please checkout and keep an eye on James' blog at the following link:  Lost In the Warp  More on this to follow....

And then on Friday, its back to the race track with the kart for some more racing.


  1. My goodness, PC. That is a project and a half. Best, Dean

  2. That is a huge project! I look forward to seeing it progress.
