
Friday, March 2, 2012

Old Stuff Day 2.0 - I Have Old Stuff

Today is Old Stuff Day 2.  You loyal followers know that here at the Madhouse we celebrate old stuff once month on a Wednesday every month, but today is special as I join in with a number of other bloggers out there.  So, unto the old stuff. 

Chicago Gamesday 2005, I showed up with this thing under my arm for the open Golden Demon category.  At least there was one person that appeared to like it.
I was surprised that it did make first cut.

Edit:  Did some digging and found some additional pics of the above.  2D artwork is all mine also.


  1. Do you have any more pics? It's hard to make out the detail, but it looks great!

  2. Wow, haven't seen that in a long, long time....

  3. I would like to give my soul as the next victim to be sacrificed as it is honour to even lay my eyes on a such a master piece. I hope you don;t mind me featuring your blog on my weekly themed top x. Here is to an endless stream on cultist that are willing to sacrifice their sanity for but a glimpse of your work.
