
Saturday, March 24, 2012

A new Knight...The Eagle

Been a long time, but the miniature is finished.  Its a Reaper Miniatures Knight sculpted by Werner Klocke, one of my favorite Reaper sculptors.  I was finishing up the basing on my Crusaders and decided to finish this miniature up.
I'm very happy with the reds, its the same paint combo that I have used on my Khorne Demons and always looks very good and deep.
I played around with some different metallics, namely a Reaper Master Series triad.  I'm not real convinced that there steel works, their highlight color is not working for me at the moment and I had to go back and blend in an old standby Vallejo metallic to make it look better.  I'll need to experiment with it a bit more.
I like how the whites turned out, again a Reaper Master Series Triad, warm bone triad of colors with a final bright white to make that final pop.
Basing materials are identical to what my Crusaders got, but for whatever reason it just does not look as good with this miniature as my Crusaders.

Next up more knights.

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