
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Second Reaper Knight ... Paint Work In Progress

This is the second of my Reaper Knights, another work in progress.  This one is not really a test in paint color like the other, but more of a test in using some of GW washes on the metals.  They work nice and flow well.
I think combining them with paint washes like I normally do will make for some good looks.
The red and whites are about my standard colors.  The photos are a bit dark, still don't have everything set up to take decent pictures.  Have not been home enough to get many things situated here.
I'm happy with the reds and whites.
So another of Werner Klocke's sculpts, crazy head crest and all, semi-painted.  When I'm all done with these two I'll probably ebay them.   Reaper's stuff is fun and cheap for experimenting on and painting test pieces.

Sometime this weekend I should be able to get some work on the next step of the movement tray tutorial done.

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