
Monday, November 14, 2011

Reaper Knight...paint WIP

I wanted to do an experiment with green tones as I prepare to paint Orcs next year.  So I've had this Reaper Miniatures knight lying around for a long time.  I thought it would be a good opportunity to practice.
As I was painting all of the green, I decided that the cloth needed a bit of a design to break it up a bit.
The yellow trim definitely sets off the green.   Not a big fan of the brick work.
This is a Werner Klonke sculpt, one of his earlier works.  The cloth is nice and smooth and has the right kind of flow to it.
Not sure how I will base the miniature just yet, but I think it will be a fall, burnt grass, type look.


  1. Lovely colours and detailing. Must agree though, that crest looks odd.


  2. Werner Klonke is one of my favourite sculptors. It is a nice model but yes that helmet is weird!

  3. I do feel like I should have cut the tower off the top of his head and resculpted that. Oh well, its an experiment.
