
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Marauding Mayhem...A couple more Chaos Marauders done.

Well I continue the use of models that are not Games Workshop models for my marauders.  Its not that I don't like their models, its that there are other models out there that I really like and so I want to incorporate them into the army. 
This model is a Reaper Miniatures, again sculpted by Tre Manor.  An awesome model and another that will be part of my Maruaders with great weapons.
I did do an axe head swap with a GW, great weapon.  The axe needed a bit more flare.
This is a huge miniature, a 30-32 mm tall miniature.   It will definitely anchor the flank.
And, speaking of great weapons.  This model has quickly become one of my favorites.  I love the faces from the GW Maruader horsemen.  They have very good detail.
This is also the first time I have do the shaven head look.  Having a lot of 5 o'clock shadow moments maybe helps, but understanding the paint washes helps more.
The shield strapped to the back sort of gives that Norse flavor, and I do like this shield with all of its gore.

We're picking them up and knocking them down.  Many more to come.


  1. These are going to look good all ranked up! What grass do you use on the bases?

  2. The shorter static grass is Woodland Scenics. The longer tufts are Joefix.
