
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Orc boyz....Fight Scene #1

When you do the rank and file boys, I think its a must to have some fights in the back ranks. Its over-the-top fun if you ask me. It makes for good character in the unit and keeps the rank and file interesting especially in the back ranks.

For the first fight scene, I wanted to essentially keep it simple. Here I am just starting to work with these models for the first time and I've just built a few of the boyz to get the general hang of the pieces. It takes me a bit to get into the flow of them, to see what works, what doesn't, what joints can be manipulated, etc.

This type of fights scene has been done a lot, but I have always liked it. I knew that I had to do one. The next scene we will push it a bit further and that next one will lead into the next and the next and so on.

Its just the beginning.


  1. I really like this, it is simple but looks really cool and effective.

  2. Great work there, and definitely makes for a more 'fluffy' block of troops. Things like this are what make the hobby fun! Good luck on this project.

  3. Looks pretty cool sir! Animosity check anyone?

  4. Thanks guys much appreciated. These were a lot of fun to do. Sometimes simple is better, just starting to get the flow.

  5. That's awesome. I've heard of unit fillers, but never one like this. Fantasy is awesome.

  6. Very dynamic, very fun, and very appropriate!
