
Friday, September 3, 2010

It's Chaos Spawning Season...Brown Spawn!

Well here is the first of the pair of spawn that I have been working on for my Warriors of Chaos army....I introduce you to Brown Spawn.

I think it turned out pretty good, painted up fast and easily. The spines coming out of the back I was going to paint in the bone and claw colors, but as I went I decided the model needed a bit of color.

I'm glad I did that, as that bit of color I think makes it pop.

The spawn kit is definitely one of my favorite kits to work with.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice Spawn - the colors work great and the choice of parts is cool!

    The Spawn set one of my favorite kits, too, just for the fact that I can get my 6 y/o daughter easily involved in the hobby by having her use putty to stick random bits together. So far I've had her stick two together, and I just need to get 'em prepped, glued and painted - of course, exactly like the way she put them together originally (because she's a surprisingly good figure bitz assembler!)
