
Monday, September 7, 2009

Next step plate making

Alright, let’s do some armor plates. Here we have a set of bloodletter legs, I’ve added a sheet of GS to the legs in the general shape that I want on the leg, and smoothed it out with my fingers. Again use water and/or lotion on your fingers to smooth out the GS.

Next shape up the armor plate edges with the knife end of your sculpting tool. Done right this will give you a fairly sharp edge.

Smooth out the plate. In this picture you see me using the round cup smoothing out the GS. This is a cool picture, as you can actually see the water between the cup and the GS, as I was lifting the tool to back up and smooth an area out.

Here you see me using the spoon/spatula end of the metal sculpting tool smoothing out the GS on an arm.

At this point I want to make the plate on the leg into several plates, so I’m using the firm flat chisel point to make raised edges for what will be overlapping plates.

More to follow soon.

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