
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Back from Gamesday and more Favre........

Well Chicago Gamesday has come and gone, and it was great to spend time with some of my fellow hobbyist and people that just wanted to learn about the hobby. Got to speak quite a bit with Kent Plumb, Bennet Blaylock Doane, Dave Taylor, a little bit with Dave Pauwels, Cathy Wappel, Aaron Wilson, Chris Borer, James Craig, and others that I have probably forgotten. Our group had a great turnout of people hosting the demon lounge. James will probably have some coverage on his site Lost In the Warp. And most of my day and the evening before was spent with fellow madman Mike Butcher. He and I came up with dastardly plans for the 2010.

And what would a week be without some news about Favre. This time he says he's not coming back, then Brad Childress of the Vikings says he's not coming back, then he says he may comeback around November 1, which just so happens to be around the time Green Bay and ViQueens play, and he doesn't think he can play a full season. Wow Brett you are so decisive about everything. This is not over you know...this is going to keep going on and on. As a Packer fan and a ViQueen hater...I hope this all ends with Minnesota going down in flames. It'll serve them right for first tamper with the Packers and then playing the Jets. Brad Childress one mistake was setting a deadline for Favre to report to camp. You cannot tell this diva what to do. And Mark Murphy, Packer Pres., still wants to retire is number, I hope he does not, maybe he can be indecisive also.

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