
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wonder if Rome was like this??

Wah…have you noticed what I have the last few weeks in sports? You, the viewer, are told continuously by the four letter network how great some of these star athletes are on and off the field, but all I have seen lately are extreme cases of narcissism and poor sportsmanship. From LeBron “The Self-Anointed King” James storming off the basketball court after a game 7 loss to the Orlando Magic, and then his pouting and refusal to talk to the media after the loss; to Syd “The Whiny Kid” Crosby of the Penguins, the anointed next coming of Gretzky disrespecting the Detroit Redwings after the Pens won the Stanley Cup; to Brett “The King of Narcissists” Favre comparing his fame to that of Lombardi, as if the NFL should retire his Number 4; to Vince Young, a young QB who’s won a lot but is not a winner, and can’t handle or understand why he was booed off the field last season and then says as much on the four letters E60 program, he also needs to learn how to speak English; to Kyle Busch smashing a beautiful Les Paul / Gibson trophy guitar after his win at Nashville disrespecting everyone in NASCAR and the people that put in so much effort building the trophy, then following up the next week by pouting on national TV when he loses to own teammate at Kentucky Speedway; to utter worship fawned over Kobe Bryant as being some great person with two cute little girls, have we forgotten the adultery and rape allegations that nearly landed this idiot in prison.

How is it that these guys do not have some PR handler taking care of them and coaching them all the time? Are they that full of themselves? Does anyone see what I see? Did the Romans see their gladiator acting like this towards the end of the games? Maybe Barry Hussein Obama should cap what athletes can make in professional sports, instead of sticking his nose in corporate America.


  1. Cant agree with you on Sid - since Ive literally been watching every game this season. He might not have made it over to the Red Wings before some jetted to the dressing rooms but he did stop and talk to all of those on the ice. There is even a decent pic of Sid with Osgood, just traditionally the losing team doesnt stay on the ice long and if you win the Cup at his age shouldnt you be allowed some time with your team?

    Anyways - I believe the gladiators did much the same, I remember they found alot of gladiator related graffiti in Pompeii and Herculeanum that suggested alot of sex and power kinds of things. Im just saying...

  2. Maybe I'm oversensitive as a Red Wing, Chelios / Rafalski fan. I will say I have not seen a lot of Crosby, being in the midwest, its mostly Red Wings and Wild. What little I have seen of him, he has certainly rubbed me wrong. Maybe I'm a bit more old school, and maybe it was a bit unintentional, don't know. For the time being I'll side with Ovechkin.
