
Friday, December 31, 2021

Pictures of Painted Roman Unit F

One more for the end of the Year.  This is Unit F, a bit different scheme with this unit on the shields.
You'll notice a number of subtle conversions  in the second rank raising their shields.  That pose modification for the Warlord models is very easy to accomplish.
It really makes the unit look a bit more dynamic.

Backside of the unit.  Happy with how this one turned out.

Another couple of angles to give you an idea of the movement within the unit.

Much more to follow.....

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Painted Roman Veterans Unit...You may remember this one


If you have been a follower of my work for awhile, you may remember these.  They were the cause for me to redo my Roman army.  I did this unit up after having brain surgery back around 2015 and they were featured on the Warlord Games site for awhile with my write up on the conversions and what not.
Well I rebased them to fit with the current scheme.
Again another big unit. 
Quite a few conversions in the unit and a use of some of their metal arms as well.

Still telling the story with the barbarians on the tray.
Get your popcorn, we are just getting warmed up.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Painted Imperial Roman Unit 'E'

Another of my big 24 man units.  This is another hold over from previous army with some newer guys in the front rank.
I think the unit turned out well.
Good view of what I'm doing with the movement tray, adding just a little more real estate to the front of the tray. 
The Optio borrows a head from the Praetorians.

There you have it more to come, yes there are more still to come, not done yet.....


Friday, November 19, 2021

Imperial Roman Veteran Unit 'C' Painted...

Like the previous unit this another of the big units, 24 strong.  Really having a ball with the movement trays as well.  This is one of the Veteran units.
You can see their arm is a bit heavier than the normal units.

There is the stabby view of death coming for the barbarians.
I ran out of red or miscounted, not sure, but two in the back are in white.  No big deal.

A really good close up of the boys.....
And still more Romans to come.....

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Imperial Roman Unit 'A' Painted

This is a fairly good sized unit that field a number of hold over models from my older army.  I replaced the entire front rank with new models, in order to give it more dynamic look
Again the movement tray continues some of the storytelling with casualties.
24 strong makes for a big unit.

I used a Praetorian model head for the Optio in the back.  Another hold over from my old army.

Good side view from above.
Much more to come.  Please comment and let me know what you think of the Roman project thus far.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Roman Medicus hard at work

 This is one of those pieces that I just had to have.  It'll likely just act as a terrain piece, but it was too cool to pass up on. 

All Warlord Games' metal figures. 
It may be the best piece in their entire line of Romans.

THAT looks painful.

Stay tuned.....still more coming on the Roman project.