
Saturday, June 27, 2020

Avatar's of War Painted - The Bleep! You Dwarf Berserker

 This is like the second time I have painted an Avatar's of War Dwarf.  He is a spunky little guy flipping the bird.
Fun miniature to paint.  I don't think photo taking is very good on him, but its about the best my ancient digital camera can do until I get a newer one.
 Another angle of him flippin' the bird.  This guy will be going up for sale likely next month on eBay.
That's it for now.....more to follow as always.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Hail to Rome....My first painted mini from the Roman Generals Kit

Wow I really love what Victrix is doing these days.  This miniature is a fine example of their great looking plastics line.  Absolutely love these models, detail is great and so are the poses and parts.  I bought the box set for characters for my current Roman armies and had some left over after the building.  Sold one still on the sprue and put together some of the others to paint and sell.  This is the first of that group that was for sale.
Painted in royal purples, not a scheme that I use very often.  I think I probably should use it more.
 The horse was a fun little experiment, and I really liked how it turned out.
Basing is pretty much the same as my Vikings and Saxons and other Roman stuff that just rebased some of the older stuff, more or less just updated it. 
 Love this Victrix work, much better than my older Warlord stuff.  So much so that I cannot wait to get my paint brushes on some of their Vikings as well.
As always much more to follow...Rome is expanding.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Republican Roman Unit Painted

I've had these quite awhile from Warlord Games.  I originally had bought them to use as Auxiliaries, but then I really did not care for all of the poses and quite honestly the Victrix models put them to shame.

 I think they turned out pretty good in paint, and they were fun to paint.
They rank up okay, but quite honestly one of the problems with many of the Warlord Games kits are that they don't rank up easily.

Some closer views of the rank and filers.
I went away from the wood grain look that I've been using on the backs of the shields and I think this worked well for them.

Here's a pic of the command models.  The components for the command are actually pretty good components.
A bit more to follow soon.  And this unit is going up for sale on eBay likely later today.