
Thursday, November 29, 2018

A brand new Viking Unit Assembled!!

 I recently finished up a whole slew of new Vikings.  This is one batch with one of my many fresh movement trays.  I'm not really set on the arrangements of the various units at the moment, its a lot of random figures.  I normally design and layout the front ranks specifically to work with each other.
This front rank sports a bunch of Warlord Games barbarians converted to be Vikings.  The topless berserker being one of them.  The 2 dane axe man is a conversion.
The centerpiece is that ultra-cool Old Glory mini.

 A different angle of the killing.
 Side view of the unit.
Rear views.  You can see some of the other views of the conversions, lots of sculpted on hair.
 The other side view.
 As always, much more to follow and I also have some Saxons coming as well....

Thursday, November 22, 2018

A new Painted Finari miniature

 Always a big fan of Werner Klocke sculpts.  This is one of his Reaper Miniatures, Finari in Paladin Armor.
A fun, nice looking miniature to paint.
I think it turned out better than pictures did.
Went with a blue and leather and brass combination of painting.
As always more to follow....

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Finished Viking Terrain Piece

Finally back to hobby time.  Sorry, I've been away for a while.  But my Viking project is back in full swing.  This time I have a hall for my warriors to reside in.  I think this piece turned out okay.  It the first time I have used teddy bear fur for the roofing.  That was interesting. 

Be sure to check back in soon.  As more is coming....