
Sunday, April 8, 2018

What?!!? Where have I been???? Painting....Here See that in the back

I'm still painting.  Look at all of that stuff on the back of my desk waiting for clear coating.

Romans, Vikings, Saxons, fantasy chicks.......
More to come

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Work In Progress - More Vikings

Yes I'm still going and have a whole bunch of minis on the desk in progress.

I always know that I'm painting Vikings or Saxons that damn near every paint bottle I own is on my desk.

This all pre-wash.  So yep, Secret Weapon's washes are up next this morning.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Some Warhammer 40k Black Templars Art

One of my older pen, brush and ink drawings from a few years ago.  Very stylized metal.  I'm practicing with my pencil drawing and changing my style that used a few years ago.