
Saturday, April 15, 2017

New Dane Axers and their Casualties

This one is a conversion using the now OOB War Factory Games arms, well not really sure what happened to War Factory Games, maybe Warlord bought them like they have bought others.
 Your stock kind of sucky pose from GBP.

 These casualties are pretty cool.  Most are Old Glory.
Blood, I actually paint the blood in your standard red colors.  After I clear and base the models then I hit all of the blood areas with the wicked alcohol based Tamiya clear red.  Stinky stuff.

 This one in the brown is a Gripping Beast hunk of metal.

As always much more to follow.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

New Bersekers Finished.....

 For quite some time, my Vikings had the old Gripping Beast metal berserkers in it.  They are just really old and poor castings.  I had a whole bunch of Warlord Games barbarians and the Gripping Beast plastic Viking parts fit on those models quite well.
 As you can see, they make some cool looking lean fighting machines.
I've been really toying with the ideas of blood splatter in my pieces, so I did just that with this model.  He got splattered big time, with the techniques that I use in splattering pen and ink drawings, essentially a loaded tooth brush.

The effect is just landed on the front side of the model.

This one below is probably the most boring of the group, but still better than the old metal models.
I really like this one below.  I think he really looks pretty cool.

Be aware that the Warlord Games models are wee bit small for 28 mm when compared to say plastic Gripping Beast.  With Victrix Gauls on the horizon of being released, if you want cooler looking berserkers, that will probably be the kit for you.  
As always more to follow.....

Saturday, April 1, 2017

More Archers firing at Poor Will Again

Here are the rest of my archers.  These are the Conquest Games plastic medieval archers with items and heads that I used to bring them back in time a bit more.  
Here is the where's Waldo question, can you locate the metal Gripping Beast Viking archer?
A bit closer up, please ignore the movement tray, its just a photo prop to help with quick picture taking. These in my opinion are definitely the best models from Conquest Games to date.  They paint up very easy, much better detail and undercuts than their previous lines of miniatures.  As you can also see, just a ton of head choices, some of which I will not use because they really did not fit the period that I wanted.
And below a pic of the back rank.  I'm happy with them.