
Sunday, June 26, 2016

WIP On the Desk....Archers and Bring Me Your Dead

 I'm back painting for a bit, working on getting some dark ages archers painted for my Vikings and other such things.  These are the Conquest Games Archers, along with some random Vikings.  They are painting up fairly well.

Below is variety of dead pieces and markers that I'm working on for my terrain and such.  Been racing quite a bit here lately so very little time spent on the hobby.  But as always I have a ton of stuff that I'm getting ready to do.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Saxon Miniature's Saxon Warlords Review

 I love the viking warlords that Saxon Miniatures has.  Having started painting my Saxon army, I decided to pickup their Warlords to add a bit more character to the army.
 This is a pretty cool selection of miniatures.  Not all of them are pictured as I pulled out three of them to add to my crusaders army as they look more Norman like with kite shields.
I really like the poses on these, some are dynamic, some are majestic.  Details are sharp and crisp.  There is not a lot of flash on the miniatures.  The only things that are kind of rough are the ones with the capes.  The capes requires sanding, filing, and scraping to smooth out the casting.  Other than that I think they will paint quite well.  As you can see, I don't really like metal spears, so I switched those out using some left overs from the Gripping Beast plastics.
The one above and to the left is King Alfred.  Pretty neat miniature.

So how do the models look when compared to other manufacturers:

Below left to right:  Saxon Mini, Perry crusader, Saxon Mini, Conquest Games Norman, Foundry Viking, Perry Mini.
 Below:  Foundry Viking, Saxon Mini, and Gripping Beast Metal
Below, left to right: Perry crusader, Saxon Mini, Conquest Games Norman, Foundry Viking, Saxon Mini
 Below, left to right:  Gripping Beast plastic Viking, Saxon Mini, Perry crusader, Saxon Mini, Conquest Games Norman.
 Below:  Gripping Beast Viking, Saxon Mini

Friday, June 10, 2016

WIP On the Desk.... Viking Warlord

 I saw this Warlord Games Celt chieftan a few years ago.  I always thought it would make a good viking model.  I recently picked it up on a sale.  A couple little conversions and here we are.
 Look forward to painting this model.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Old Stuff Wednesday: OOP Eldar

Now this is truly old, circa 2000.  From my very first army in 40k, some OOP Eldar.  I think these were called Dark Reapers.  Yea, did not really like that army, but everyone started somewhere.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Some Perry Priests...

I'm beginning to paint my Saxons and thought that I really needed some priest/monks.  So I picked up these.  The one I'm going to use with my Crusaders.

Very cool models.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Viking Longship.....WIP On the Desk

Been a bit, since I posted any fresh work.  My profession and racing have kind of gotten in the way, but this weekend a bit of hobby time.

I've had this Viking ship for a while, and I'm gradually getting a number of terrain pieces ready for expanding my collection. 
 As you can see above and below, I'm building a guy to be in charge of the ship.  I decided to have a more of river look instead of a sailing ship.  I plan to make a rolled piece of fabric up for a rolled up sail.
The ship has been set on a piece of plasticard and will have a bit of waves.  In the prow of the ship I had to build a bit of platform as the Revel model does not come with one.
More on this in the future.